Tuesday, June 24, 2014

General Assembly (2014) #18

Here is my list of the top eleven actions items approved by this year’s General Assembly. Several of these are incendiary. Several of these are not controversial at all, but deserve our attention. A hyperlink to a document which includes all of these action items is available on the Presbytery of Carlisle homepage. You may also find these actions by the item number under the committee tab in PC-Biz.

Item 04-04: On the Middle East
Item 05-04: On Synods
Item 06-15: The Heidelberg Catechism
Item 08-13: Special Offerings
Item 10-02: On Marriage
Item 10-03: On Marriage
Item 10-07: On Marriage
Item 13-01: Belhar Confession
Item 13-02: Directory for Worship
Item 13-08: On John Knox
Item 14-03: Living Missionally