Monday, February 26, 2007


Greencastle Presbyterian Church
Pastor Anna Straight

Many of our churches, of course, have many gifted teenagers active and contributing in their life. Many of these teenagers regularly offer leadership in many different ways in our worship services. Also, many of our congregations often have "Moments of Mission" on any variety of topics, and at this time of year the topic is often stewardship. But my visit to the Greencastle Presbyterian Church was the first time I have ever witnessed a teenager doing a "Moment for Stewardship." When it was announced who was doing this Moment for Stewardship, a quiet hush settled over the congregation. Preachers know this quiet hush when everyone begins to pay a little more attention, everyone snaps out of their daydreaming, and focuses in. Actually, pastors often do not get this extra special attention since we are the ones who are supposed to do all the talking. But when someone special and different is introduced, everyone listens up.
So it was that the youth liaison to session did the moment for mission for stewardship. And it was brilliant! His moment was very organized, clear, personal and effective. So the Greencastle church gets huge points in my book for this little piece of creativity. First, to begin with they have a youth liaison to session. This is an excellent innovation that is too rare in our churches. It may be true that high school youth cannot serve a full, three year term on session and thus it may not be prudent to ordain them as elders. Although our churches should be open to this. But the idea of a youth liaison to session, not a full term, but as sort of a Youth Advisory Delegate is a great idea. Secondly, allowing the Youth the opportunity to reflect personally on money, finances and stewardship in the church from their perspective is very effective and a wonderful expression of worship in support of the church.

How does your church think and talk about stewardship? I admire Anna for doing in her sermon what we absolutely must do as Americans but, for a whole list of reasons, are afraid to do. We need a call to a more simple life. I applaud Anna for the courage and directness with which she called us to authentic stewardship. Thank you Anna for being bold, forthright and direct. She called us to take a serious look at our own lives and ask about needs and wants, and whether it is possible to downsize and simplify. She preached about the empty, dark void in each of us that can only be filled with God but which we so often try to fill with more stuff and things. Stewardship is a spiritual issue about our life convictions and lifestyle choices. Stewardship is about the God we choose to worship and serve or the gods to whom we sell our souls. Money is a god in America. How do we talk about that god in the light of the God we worship in Christ? These sermons will always be difficult and edgy. But they should not be avoided. How does your church think and talk about stewardship?

After worship, I had the wonderful opportunity to have lunch with a group of Greencastle’s Junior and Senior High Youth. We had a delightful conversation over lunch. Like my own sons, it always amazes me the sense of opportunity and choice that our church kids feel today. They have the whole world before them. I am convinced that our churches have done very effective ministry planting into the hearts and souls of many church kids this abiding sense of hope and future. All but one the seven kids at lunch with me were baptized as infants, and that one expectation was baptized at her Confirmation. These are kids, having grown up in the church, who have a balanced, healthy and very positive worldview and who walk into the future with a very genuine and close relationship with Jesus Christ. My wife, Kris, as a school social worker, works with a very different population of youth. Kris spends time with youth who are seldom in church, and often the police need to be included with her conversations. I spend time with church kids. Kris and I are convinced that one of the most important things kids need today is an active church life. What a difference it makes! Indeed, Greencastle Church is gifted with a wonderful, bright and committed group of young people. Care for your youth and include them in every way in your congregation. Greencastle is a wonderful example. Thanks be to God.

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