Thursday, May 17, 2012

Introduction to 220th General Assembly (2012)

Introduction to the 220th meeting of the General Assembly (2012) Pittsburgh, PA June 30 to July 7, 2012

NOTE: The website introducing the meeting of the General Assembly including the schedule, background information, registration and news articles may be found at

NOTE: The meeting of the General Assembly uses a website,, for all business items. This program is available to the general public and may be used to review all the action items being considered by the Assembly. All the action items to be considered by the General Assembly may be found at pc-biz.

The work of the General Assembly is organized into committees. Listed here are all the 21 committees of the 220th General Assembly and a few of the important action items within each committee.

01 Business Referral

02 Bills and Overtures

03 General Assembly Procedures
03-Info General Assembly Per Capita Payments by Presbytery

04 Review of Biennial Assemblies

05 Mid Council Review
05-12 Mid Council Report to the 220th General Assembly—From the General Assembly Commission on Mid Councils.

06 Church Polity

07 Church Orders and Ministry
NOTE: There are at least nine different overtures related to the Book of Order G-2.0104b and Ordination standards.

08 Authoritative Interpretation Review
08-01 Report of the Special Committee on Existing Authoritative Interpretations of the Book of Order.

09 Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations
09-03 Review of the World Council of Churches

10 Mission Coordination
10-13 Report of the Special Committee on the Nature of the Church in the 21st Century
10-14 Special Offerings

11 Social Justice Issues
11-09 World of Hurt, Word of Life: Renewing God’s Communion in the Work of Economic Reconstruction - From the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
11-17 Privilege, Power and Policy: The Church as an Employer— From the Climate for Change Taskforce

12 Immigration Issues

13 Civil Union and Marriage Issues NOTE: There are at least fourteen different overtures related to marriage.

14 Peacemaking and International Issues
14-05 Encountering the Gospel of Peace Anew: An Invitation to Discernment and Witness, an Interim Report to the 220th General Assembly (2012)—From the Peace Discernment Steering Team.

15 Middle East and Peacemaking Issues
Note: There are several overtures related to the policy of divestment.

16 Church Growth and PILP
16-02 1001 Worshipping Communities

17 Theological Issues, Education and Christian Education

18 Confessions of the Church
18-03 Report of the General Assembly Special Committee on the Heidelberg Catechism to the 220th General Assembly

19 Review of General Assemblies Permanent Committees

20 Board of Pensions, Foundation, Presbyterian Publishing
Note: There are several reports from and overtures about the Board of Pensions.
20-09 New Presbyterian Hymnal

21 Health Issues