Wednesday, July 4, 2012

General Assembly (2012) #7

Rev. Juan Rodas: Ecumenical Representative from Honduras

                I am proud that our Presbytery in cooperation with our office of World Mission sponsored the participation of Rev. Juan Rodas with our General Assembly. Juan is the pastor of the Pena de Horeb Presbyterian Church in Tegucigalpa and a leader in the Presbyterian Church of Honduras. Our Presbytery has worked close with his congregation in our mission work in Tegucigalpa. Their congregation’s mission committee has organized the new home construction projects which we have been supporting. We have now contributed to the construction of six new homes for Presbyterian families from Juan’s congregation.  Juan is having a wonderful experience here this week. The ecumenical representatives from around the world have formed their own little community while here together.

                Juan is eager and excited that he has been invited to bring ecumenical greetings to the General Assembly when we convene in plenary session this evening at 7:00.

                Juan will be coming to the Presbytery of Carlisle after the General Assembly. He will be in worship with our Mechanicsburg Presbyterian Church this Sunday, July 8. Our mission committee is hosting a luncheon with Juan at noon on Monday, July 9 at our Presbytery office.