Purposeful Relationships
Book Review: Gil
Rendle. Journey in the Wilderness: New Life for the Mainline Churches.
Abingdon Press, 2010. (Available for Kindle).
This quote is the
first paragraph of Rendle’s reflection on the mainline churches today:
“People no longer
join congregations because they want relationships or because they want to “belong.”
As far as relationships that serve as social friendships, increasingly people
already have as many as their time and lifestyle allow. Rather than simply
seeking social relationships for which there is less room in a harried
contemporary lifestyle, people now come to congregations because they want a
purposeful relationship with others who are seeking a purpose and meaning in
response to the questions they feel in their lives. For many the function of
relationships in congregations has now shifted from being only social to being
also purposeful. This shift that removes the congregation from its position as
a central institution that provides friendships out of which members then shape
a personal identity is difficult news to many congregations, which continue to
think of their only strength as being warm and friendly relationship providers.”
I believe the simple
idea presented here is stunning if we ponder what Rendle is truly saying. How
many of our churches are still motivated by the desire to be friendly and
attractive while not truly being about a “purposeful relationship” with Christ?
What is the purpose
of your congregation? Is that clear when people walk in the door? Is your
congregation excited about that purpose? These are hard questions. These are
difficult questions. But the answers to these questions may define whether or
not your congregation will survive this wilderness time.