Friday, July 6, 2012

General Assembly (2012) #12

Civil Unions and Marriage Issues:

The debate about the definition of marriage: Minority Report Two

            The General Assembly, during its afternoon session on Friday July 6, debated the question of marriage as presented by the General Assembly Committee on Civil Union and Marriage Issues. The Committee brought a Report asking for a Constitutional Amendment to change our definition of marriage. The Committee also brought TWO minority reports. The second Minority Report recommended a clear definition of marriage as a union of man and one woman.  After lengthy debate the second Minority Report was defeated:

The second Minority Report is copied here. NOTE: this recommendation was DEFEATED by a vote of 266 Yes to 397 No:

Minority Report two:

Responding to the wide variety of overtures concerning the definition of Christian Marriage in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the General Assembly makes the following statement:

Our Confessions, based on their understanding of Scripture, define Christian marriage as a union of one man and one woman. Any redefinition of marriage should recognize the confessional nature of the definition and should be preceded by careful and prayerful formal confessional amendment process. As our society debates the legal status of same-sex relationships, the church recognizes and reaffirms that any change in the definition of marriage in civil law does not and cannot change the church’s constitution. As our confessions instruct us, the church is called to lead men and women into the full meaning of life together, extending the compassion of Christ to all (The Confession of 1967).
As our church ministers amidst a contemporary culture that includes same sex couples, the church should lovingly respond with grace and truth. Additionally, the 220th General Assembly (2012) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) provides the following authoritative interpretation of W-4.9001:

“When W-4.9001 speaks of marriage, it is expounding how marriage is defined and understood by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), under the authority of the Scriptures and guided by the confessions. It is not merely describing how marriage was practiced in any particular society at any particular time. Therefore, this definition of marriage in the Directory for Worship is binding upon teaching elders and commissioned ruling elders authorized to perform Christian marriages. “Officers of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) who are authorized to perform marriages shall not state, imply, or represent that a same-sex ceremony is a marriage because under W-4.9001 a same-sex ceremony is not and cannot be a marriage” (Spahr v. Presbytery of Redwoods, 2008). A change in the definition of civil marriage under state law does not alter the definition of marriage under the PC(USA) Constitution (Southard v. Presbytery of Boston, 2011). The church’s definition of marriage may be changed only through amendment of both W-4.9001 and the confessional passages upon which it is based.”